Wednesday, December 29, 2010

10"x10" Painting

3`x5` Paintings

I may add more detail like on my previous painting series.

4"x4" Painting Series

This series is meant to be sold separately for about $20 each.
It will raise money for the Empty Bowls Project, and Autism Speaks.
I will make more blocks as others sell.

Friday, December 17, 2010

New Painting Series

This is a series of 14" x 18" paintings for my January exhibition with Ford Farr.

New Painting Series

This is a new series of 8 paintings that are 10" x 10".

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Video Copilot

Wonderful site that has detailed tutorials on video special effects production. Our school just upgraded and gained After Effects in the process, so I am working on many of these effects. Very cool stuff, and allot of it FREE!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

PC to Mac

Found this great site that goes over how to pimp your PC to run features from the Mac OS. It runs pretty smoothly, but i wish i could get rid of several other PC problems, like the 4 virus protection programs running at once that bog down everything. Crazy thing is they even have links to install and run Mac's OS on your PC instead - to bad it's not legal,yet. Michael Dell announced that if Apple would make it legal he would ship Dell's with the Mac OS this year!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


My wife says I don't do enough artwork about my youngest son. I'm not sure how much this helps that problem, but it was a lovely moment.

Equal Sized Canisters

I was working on some production pots this week. A group of canisters with lids. It's tricky to get them all the same size and weight, but I think the set works.

Quick Painting Trick

How do professional illustrators create paintings so fast? Well, grids, projection, light tables: there all great but sometimes the easiest fix is to just print out your photograph and paint on top of it. I used this technique to teach students how to convert colors of an image to just primary and secondary colors. (makes images much brighter and teaches color mixing) This was my example.


I had a student who wanted to try a pantograph. I hadn't even seen one since junior high school, but in the end it was easy enough to make with some scrap wood, dowel rods and a drill. This is what it's good for. I drew this in 14 minutes and it rescaled the image about 125%

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Paper Model Hobby

These are some paper models I have built for fun. I have always loved modeling and I found through Google search a set of free paper models that are printed from the computer, backed with thicker paper, and then glued via the instructions. Pretty cool stuff! I have worked out some other ways of scaling up the models using different materials.

I plan to get a series of architectural models built for class examples.